"Finishing a marathon changes your life forever."
~~Hal Higdon
~Nancy (Mom) ~ 4.30.2016
"Finishing a marathon changes your life forever." Click on each picture to read the captions... After running two half-marathons years ago, Shannon decided to run her first full marathon with the 2015 Illinois Marathon. It was a cold and drizzly day just like this one. The only difference was that at Mile 23, the police pulled her over to let her know that the race had been cancelled because of lightning strikes. After training for over six months, Shannon was heart-broken. This year she planned to finish regardless. Again, the rain never let up, and neither did she. I could not be more proud of her and what she accomplished! I love you, Girl!
~Nancy (Mom) ~ 4.30.2016
"The modest, lowly violet In leaves of tender green is set; My side-yard is filled with these little flowers. I didn't plant them, but I'm a big fan.
Their old-fashioned look just means spring is here... ~Nancy ~ 4.25.2016 "..even the insects in my path are not loafers, but have their special errands". The peony buds are forming and the sweet smell of these blooms will soon fill the air.
For now the wasps are drawn to the sweet nectar covering their waxy coating. My garden is alive... ~Nancy ~ 4.24.2016 "Our spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April suns and shadow of April showers." This is the return on digging into the cold earth to plant the bulbs under the gray sky of late autumn...
~Nancy ~ 4.23.2016 "Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate." A new adventure is just around the corner for us...
~Nancy ~ 4.22.2016 "I take my vacation on the combine and tractor." Today's work is done just as the sun goes down...
~Nancy ~ 4.18.2016 “She held a bluebell up to the light; and Dunstan could not but observe that the color of sunlight glittering through the purple crystal was inferior in both hue and shade to that of her eyes." What a glorious spring day!
Add to that an invitation from a close friend to wander through the hills and hollers of their country home to see the bluebells in bloom. They were everywhere. Bright blue with a backdrop of green and a cloudless sky. Life is good! ~Nancy ~ 4.17.2016 "A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road" I wonder what stories this wagon has to tell...
~Nancy 4.16.2016 "It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are... than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise." The rain is coming.
Today we spent several hours hiking and soaking in the sun. ~Nancy ~ 4.9.2016 |
AuthorNancy Brachbill Archives
December 2016