Standing at the kitchen window,
I could feel its warmth.
Outside, the snow was freezing and now it crunches with every step.
At no other time does the air feel as clean.
Earlier in the day, the sun shone bright. Standing at the kitchen window, I could feel its warmth. Outside, the snow was freezing and now it crunches with every step. At no other time does the air feel as clean. ~Nancy ~ 348/365
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way From one of the doors of the Old Chautauqua Building...
~~Nancy ~ 345/365 "What is life? Sometimes it's just being in the right place at the right time..
~Nancy ~ 340/365 Today, with the wind, it was cold.
The air was November crisp, and as dusk began to ascend, I hurried to our barn to get a picture of it with the reflecting hues of the pink setting sun. ~Nancy ~ 326/365 On the side of an old barn, I wondered about the boys who shot hoops between farm chores.
I hope their dreams came true... ~Nancy ~ 281/365 A drive through the country and a visit with a friend found this old barn.
Its days are numbered, and it is missing a wall and part of its roof. I can't help but wonder who tied this rope on the iron ring and how long it has hung here. A metal pole building has replaced this barn, but the warmth and strength of this relic can never be replaced. ~Nancy ~ 257/365 On my drive home,
I had to pull over to catch the way the light reflected off of the old barn and this bale of hay. What a gorgeous summer we have had! ~Nancy ~ 322/365 "My father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a kid. Another cutting of hay has been baled, and, with the right amount of sun, rain, and the right temperatures, we hope to have one more cutting before September 15th. Whenever I see a bale of hay, I think of my niece, Allison, who, when she was little, and every time she saw a bale sitting in the field, would point, and say, "Hey!" Or was it, "Hay!"? "Family is not an important thing. ~Nancy ~ 216/365
I've passed this barn with Shannon many times,
and have always noticed it. This evening, after our workshop, I drove to visit it with Ashton and Joel to take pictures with the sun low behind us. We love the care that has been given to this old barn... ~Nancy ~ 155/365 |
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