My friend, Ron Ghere, and I have both noticed how beautiful the roses are this spring.
The cool temperatures and over-abundance of rain have worked their magic.
Lucky for me,
I am surrounded by neighbors who grow roses,
and this morning, I took a few minutes to visit them and take these pictures.
I almost feel like I live in Portland, the "City of Roses"...
~Nancy ~ 157/365
Ron's picture of the day is on the same subject.
Please don't miss this capture of his rose.
The cool temperatures and over-abundance of rain have worked their magic.
Lucky for me,
I am surrounded by neighbors who grow roses,
and this morning, I took a few minutes to visit them and take these pictures.
I almost feel like I live in Portland, the "City of Roses"...
~Nancy ~ 157/365
Ron's picture of the day is on the same subject.
Please don't miss this capture of his rose.